Regular Registration Deadline – July 31

Note that you now have only two weeks left to take advantage of the bargain standard price and get your self signed up for the 2014 Polson Triathlon. We have so many exciting plans and improvements for this year’s event, so don’t miss out. If you’ve already registered, talk to some of your multi-sport friends […]

Electronic Timing (thanks to Glacier Bank)

Another great development for the 2014 Polson Triathlon is that we will be purchasing and debuting new electronic timing equipment to speed up results and take the load off of our key volunteers. This has only been possible because local supporter Glacier Bank decided to become a true partner in this event, dramatically increasing their […]

New Run Course for 2014

Great News! The city of Polson recently completed a pedestrian walkway under the Hwy 93 bridge that will allow us to send runners on a spectacular new one-mile lakefront loop around Salish Point to start the 10k run course. Hopefully all participants will be truly inspired and energized given the close proximity of cheering spectators […]

Random Thoughts

Maybe you have a thought or idea that you want to share with other visitors to this site, but it doesn’t fit into one of the established categories.  This is the spot.

Mission Valley Rounders Speak

This blog category gives all of you local bikers, runners, swimmers, and triathletes a chance to share information and updates about local workouts, gatherings and events.  I do a lot of communication via email, but you might also check here for the latest updates or to initiate some friendly discussion.  Matt